The music universe is huge, and filled up with a lot of empty. Here's where we share the nuggets that we find that we think are worth preserving. The staff has a lot of things to say that nobody wants to listen to. So we use this space to say it to nobody. If you’re here and not part of the staff’s inner circle, it’s likely by accident. It’s up to you whether you stay and go for the ride, but if you stay, strap on your headphones.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
It has finally happened
The first movement conservative to unmask in public has stepped forward and demonstrated in the bright light of day what I have been saying for years the national Republican Party truly is, but will never admit to being. It is a party of country club elite plutocrats concerned only with the challenge of reclaiming the wealth that that is unjustly funneling to the hired hands who support the business assets that justify their membership in the club. Of course there aren't enough club members to carry one district much less win a national election, so the challenge has always been to make the unwashed masses* that are beneath them, believe one of two things:
1: that non-members' interests are represented by the members, the mythology of supply side economics being one of the more blatant examples (cut your employers' taxes and they'll have more money to pay you in wages, trust us! We actually mean it and you'll benefit, really you will! Just vote R and sit back and wait for it to trickle down. Also, if you like and share this post, you'll get a free iPhone! That's actually fake, but the trickle down part is totally for real you guys.)
2: if you don't believe 1, then you at least have to believe that you would be much further ahead if it weren't for those goddamned liberals taking away what's yours, and we'll put a stop to that. We actually won't, because if we do, then you'll have nobody to blame but yourselves, and we need you to keep voting against THEM since the club is too small to beat THEM at the ballot box.
I'll turn it over to Kevin Williamson if the National Review to take care of the rest, but before I go, I'll leave you with this: next time you hear someone on talk radio talk about east coast elites, ask yourself what that really means.
The article is behind a pay wall, so if you don't wish to pay, here are the best parts:
"It is wrong to believe that the white working class that finds itself attracted to Trump has been victimized by outside forces. It hasn’t. The white middle class may like the idea of Trump as a giant pulsing humanoid middle finger held up in the face of the Cathedral, they may sing hymns to Trump the destroyer and whisper darkly about “globalists” and—odious, stupid term—“the Establishment,” but nobody did this to them. They failed themselves."
"If you spend time in hardscrabble, white upstate New York, or eastern Kentucky, or my own native West Texas, and you take an honest look at the welfare dependency, the drug and alcohol addiction, the family anarchy—which is to say, the whelping of human children with all the respect and wisdom of a stray dog—you will come to an awful realization. It wasn’t Beijing. It wasn’t even Washington, as bad as Washington can be. It wasn’t immigrants from Mexico, excessive and problematic as our current immigration levels are. It wasn’t any of that.
Nothing happened to them. There wasn’t some awful disaster. There wasn’t a war or a famine or a plague or a foreign occupation. Even the economic changes of the past few decades do very little to explain the dysfunction and negligence—and the incomprehensible malice—of poor white America. So the gypsum business in Garbutt ain’t what it used to be. There is more to life in the 21st century than wallboard and cheap sentimentality about how the Man closed the factories down.
The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. Forget all your cheap theatrical Bruce Springsteen crap. Forget your sanctimony about struggling Rust Belt factory towns and your conspiracy theories about the wily Orientals stealing our jobs. Forget your goddamned gypsum, and, if he has a problem with that, forget Ed Burke, too. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles. Donald Trump’s speeches make them feel good. So does OxyContin. What they need isn’t analgesics, literal or political. They need real opportunity, which means that they need real change, which means that they need U-Haul."
A summary argument about Williamson's article can be found here:
*There is nobody that I'm on a first name basis with that is not part of this definition of unwashed masses. The Republicans in national elections who have been winning those offices in the my lifetime win them with the backing of people who view you, me, and everyone in our circle of family and friends with nothing more than total contempt. All of us who earn an honest living, we are nothing more than takers to them. And they want your money back, because it is really their money. It always has been and always will be.
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