Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Biopic! But first, a little (actually a lot of) context.

It's been a while and I've got some catching up to do.  I'm sitting at a picnic table at my campsite on a cool sunny day.  I've got nowhere to go and nothing to do except snack and day drink, so this is the best opportunity I'm going to get to pick this back up.  In my last post, I said I was going to tackle comedy next, and I will some day, but I've been putting a lot more thought into biopics lately.  Comedy is something that deserves my full attention to do it justice.

Before I just list the best, I really want to talk about what bothers me about this genre.  It can be very formulaic and is oh so prone to making shit up to enhance a story that may not stand on its own two feet otherwise.  The formula I think of goes like this: