Friday, February 18, 2011

Free Jim Free Jim Free Jim

We here in the hallowed halls of the Big Empty are with Charlie Crist.

Very belated update:

And there was Justice.

My old hometown of New Haven couldn't contain him, neither could Miami, and now neither can history.

The streets in Madison Wisconsin and now, my new home state of Ohio are taking on a flavor that hasn't been tasted since the days when Jim Morrison took the stages of the New Haven Arena and the Dinner Key Auditorium.  Nobody gives a fucking rats ass about the pigs that put Jim away back then and in 50 years nobody will give a fuck about the toadies who do the dirty work of the powerful now.  And so, as a tribute to the forgotten nameless establishment stooges of yesterday and today, I give you Jim.

".......blood in the streets in the town of New Haven........."

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